
Hello, and welcome to my little creative project! The life of a young creative can be fun, challenging, and quite frankly, a bit scary sometimes. That’s what Methodically Meg is all about. Sharing my own journey (and personal brand of madness) in hopes of helping others. Sharing the things I love to create, as well as how I’ve learned to live the life that allows me to do so.

Who am I?

My name is Megan. I’ve got about a dozen different nicknames, and that’s the one I was given when born, but most of my friends call me Meg. I’d like to be friends, so you can call me Meg if you’d like 🙂
I grew up as the creative, odd girl. The one with a different sense of style and a love of the unknown. Adventure, creating new things, a constant want to learn new things, and determined to make being creative my way of life. I’m a community college graduate with an Associates Degree in Interior Design technology I’m not actually using. If you need some input on your living room or space planning your bedroom, I’m here! I’ve dabbled in fine arts, photography, visual merchandising, and graphic design as well as cake decorating and numerous other crafts.

By day I have a desk job as a recruiter for the skilled trades, but in my free time I’m a creator, writer, gamer, dog and cat mom, and music enthusiast.
I love to spend my days crafting, cooking, baking, gaming with friends, snuggling my animals and boyfriend, and laughing. Oh, do I love laughing.

I have a wild obsession with anything by the genius that is Tim Burton. He’s been an inspiration to spend my life fighting for my visions and making my own dreams for as long as I can remember.

What is Methodically Meg?

Originally started circa 2010 under the name Megtor’s Customs, and 22&Clueless, then combined into a reimagined version of the two under Reverie Castle Studios, this is an offshoot that finally separates my crafty side biz to the blog/my life side of things. I can thank my best friend for the name Methodically Meg (Ithanks Hailey! 😉 you’re the best!) We’ve all got a little bit of our own brand of madness, and this is mine. There’s a method to it most days. Well, sort of.

You’ll learn a lot more about me as you see more and more posts from me. I hope you begin to love the person I’m becoming just as much as I do.
I’m young and inspired, and I’ve wanted to inspire others for as long as I can remember. I hope to teach you all of the incredible things that I’m learning on my journey, whether its new DIYs or life lessons you can laugh at me for. And I hope we can be friends, as corny as that sounds. I like new friends 🙂

Sign up for email updates, follow me on social media, check out my shop under Reverie Castle Studios, and share it all with your friends and family so that they can do the same!

And enjoy the life you create (: